Delicious Library

I first heard about Delicious Library at MacWorld San Francisco in 2005. At the time I was impressed enough by the software to buy a copy and catalog my books, VHS and DVD movies and CDs.

Sometime during one of my laptop upgrades or data transfers, I managed to delete (or not transfer) the data files. If I recall correctly, they were stored in the /Users/<username>/Library folder I think, and I don’t always check there for data when I upgrade or transfer computers. So I lost the library. Sigh.

Fast forward to today, when I upgraded my license and re-cataloged my books, movies and CDs. I’ll be publishing my catalog in two different formats at /personal/deliciouslibrary1 and /personal/deliciouslibrary2. Enjoy.

(In the next day or two I’ll get all of my books uploaded into the catalog as I finish packing for my big move.)