
That’s the number of long-sleeve, “business-casual” shirts; short-sleeve, “business casual” shirts and Hawaiian shirts I have in my closet.

I decided in December, that, “Hey, I have all these shirts I don’t normally wear. Perhaps I should start wearing them.” A bit of history, I normally only wear the long-sleeve shirts at conferences or during the winter when it’s cold. And, as with most things, I have some favorite shirts. I realized that I was only ever wearing my favorites.

I decided that I should make it a point to wear every shirt at least once during the year. I succeeded in doing this by mid-January. I then realized, “Hey, that wasn’t so difficult. Perhaps I should make it a goal to wear each two or three times a year.”

So, I’m on my second run through of shirts. We’ll see how things go.

Now I just need to find a way to find my way to Hawaii. I only wear my Hawaiian shirts there.