Heat Water for Better Microwave Popcorn?

Microwave Popcorn

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Microwave Popcorn

Photo Credit: @grantlairdjr/flickr, cc-by

Microwave Popcorn

I’m not sure if I believe this one. I tried it earlier today, but I’m not sure if it helped or not. According to an article on Lifehacker:

Heat a bowl of water in your microwave right before it’s popcorn time, and you might get moister, fluffier results.

Source: Purdy, K. (2010, April 19). Heat Water First for Better Microwave Popcorn. Retrieved on April 19, 2010 from Lifehacker Website: http://lifehacker.com/5520123/heat-water-first-for-better-microwave-popcorn
