How do I delete an email address in Gmail?


For a few people, I have “issues” when trying to send them emails. It all has to do with how Gmail autocompletes email addresses. Gmail stores any name/email address to which I send an email. And when I start typing it autocompletes what I type with the most frequently used recipient first.

This is great…except when there are multiple “David”s that I email, or when some individuals shorten their name but their email address contains their full name, like “James” instead of “Jim”.

I finally decided I should try and clear up a couple of these “gotchas”. Where did I look? Google of course.

Can I Zap Addresses from my Gmail Auto-Complete List?

Turns out by going to the contacts, it’s easy enough to delete addresses or edit the names used when autocompleting addresses. So now when I type “Jim” I can actually find the person I’m trying to email.