Which Firefly Character Are You?

Pop quiz!

Firefly is the best Chinese-influenced space western to ever grace the small screen. Though it didn’t even get a full season on the air, its rabid fans inspired a full-length feature film so that the whole story could be told. What inspires such devotion? The action? The special effects? The crazy Chinese that was never subtitled? No, it was totally the characters – expertly written and portrayed, you couldn’t help but want to be part of this crew. So … who would you be?

Firefly (and more) happens to be one of my favorite SciFi shows.

I took this quiz recently, it had questions like:

  • What is your outlook on life?
    • Cautious. These are difficult times. I have a lot to worry about.
    • Determined. I will accomplish whatever it is I set my mind to.
    • Easy-going. I try to enjoy life and not worry too much.
    • Money. It’s all about the money.
    • Whatever. I am often in my own world.
    • Happy. Life is shiny! Everything is going to be okay!
    • Complicated. Why can’t anything be simple?
    • Knowing. I’ve been around the block and seen a lot. I understand how the world works.

So which character am I?

Meh…it’s kinda obvious, no?

Captain Malcolm “Mal” Reynolds. facebook-mal

You are Mal, the most awesome anti-hero in the history of space westerns. As Captain of Serenity, you are a true leader and would give your life to protect your friends, your “crew.” You have a strong sense of justice and are willing to do whatever it takes to follow your ideals, even if it means going against a government you view as corrupt. You may come across as a little gruff at times, and you have difficulty expressing your emotions, but the choices you make demonstrate how much you really care. Also, you love to wear very tight pants.

Um, no tight pants for me, thank you very much.