Thanks, United

After successfully circumnavigating the globe, and having my checked luggage make it with me through India, Thailand, Japan and to Vancouver… United managed to leave one of my checked bags in Chicago. Thanks, United.

I’d be very disappointed to know if this was an issue of weight–that is, they left at least 10 bags off of the flight because of the weight.

Ok, I don’t want them to fly in an unsafe manner, but…

  • Don’t leave First Class passenger’s luggage off of the flight.
  • Don’t leave Mileage Plus Premier Executive or greater passenger’s luggage off of the flight–there has to be some value for membership.
  • Don’t just forget to load one baggage container.

So at least three passengers from Vancouver had one or more bags left in Chicago, as did at least five others. They’re on the next flight.

But if they were left off to save weight, how do I get compensated for my time and inconvenience (since I paid to have them fly with me, and they’re supposed to fly with me because of TSA rules, or so I thought). Here’s my math:

  • .5 hour = time spent waiting to see if the bag showed up at baggage claim, and waiting in line at the baggage office = $75
  • 4 hours = delivery window from 6am to 10am for the bag to be delivered = $600 (I’ll use the delivery window, instead of the total time without the bag, and the fact that my electric razor was in that bag)

I’d like a $675 flight credit — if the bag even shows tomorrow morning. Thank you.

Update: I received my bag at 10:18am. Ok so that’s close enough to 10am. However, when I called in to see if they were going to deliver the bag this morning, the representative from United said I was called at 7:15 am. Um, unless AT&T barfed again on my iPhone, no I never received a phone call. So, call it 50/50 if the delivery company or United was lying. :(