Trial by Fire Coyle  
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An epic tale of America at war with Mexico. 2 cassettes.

Against All Enemies Harold Coyle  
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The bestselling author of Team Yankee, "master of military fiction" Harold Coyle returns. In a novel both exciting and frighteningly realistic, Harold Coyle demonstrates once again that one of the nation's most important struggles is being fought on its own territory.

Freedom. It is brought settlers to America's coasts, and it's the ideal that many laid down their lives to preserve. But, as the greatest nation in the world enters the new millennium, America finds itself once again split over the concept of liberty and justice for all.

When one man decides to send a message to the government by bombing a federal building, the explosion is felt all across the country. The chain reaction that follows resonates most powerfully with members of a rebel band in Idaho who call themselves "Patriots" they want freedom from government control, no matter how much deadly force it takes. Their well-planned acts of terrorism soon show the government that they cannot be ignored and that definite action is needed.

Thrown into the battle is Lieutenant Nathan Dixon, fresh from VMI, and a soldier who stands in the very large shadow of his father, the revered General Scott Dixon. Sent to quell a potentially dangerous situation, he'll need every bit of his training, for Nathan finds himself catapulted into the first battle of a new American war of secession.

Covering the news is Nathan's stepmother, prominent anchorwoman Jan Fields. As the country watches, Jan discovers that Idaho's charismatic governor, George Oliver "GO" Thomas has an agenda of his own, one that may truly have a revolutionary effect on the whole country.
Using the hard-edged style that made him famous, Harold Coyle takes us inside an all too plausible America where a nation is divided over the ideals on which this country was founded. In this modern military thriller, Coyle gives us an intimate portrait of the men and women who fight to uphold their, visions of America against all enemies.

Bright Star Harold Coyle  
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In the not-too-distant future, an assassination attempt by Libyan terrorists sparks an Egyptian retaliatory raid across the borders. As the conflict intensifies, U.S. and Soviet troops are drawn into the battle. Front-line s oldiers on both sides embark on daring commando raids and face horrifi c nerve gas attacks.

Cat and Mouse Harold Coyle  
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The New York Times bestselling author reveals the chaos of warfare as Islamic terrorists form a powerful coalition in hopes of breaking Americas will to continue the war on terrorCaptain Nathan Dixon of the US Army Rangers has been specially chosen to command Company A, in the elite 3rd Battalion Rangers. Theyve been hand-picked to be part of the new Joint Task Force Sierra. Sierra has been formed to conduct special anti-terrorist operations in the Philippines and Indonesia, in response to a sudden, urgent, major terrorist threat. A charismatic terrorist leader has united the various Islamic terrorist factions into a confederation whose aim is to drag the United States into a protracted war of attrition. But in order to carry out his plans the terrorists must play a deadly game of cat and mouse as they attempt to draw the American forces into ambushes and small, bloody encounters. Nathans father, Lieutenant General Scott Dixon is deeply involved in the task forces operations. General Dixon tracks the counter-terrorist forces in South Asia as Captain Dixon leads his highly skilled Ranger company on mission after mission. Not only are the terrorist leader and his forces almost impossible to hunt down in the jungle, but they can kill Americans almost at will. A military and political struggle ensues between those who want to terminate Joint Task Force Sierra and those who think the terrorist leader and his army must be hunted down and killed.

Code of Honor Harold Coyle  
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At the centre of this novel is the court-martial of a courageous young woman combat officer forced to choose - on the battlefield - between an action that will save her troops and the senseless order of an arrogant and frightened general.

Dead Hand Harold Coyle  
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With occasional references to "the Kursk incident" and to Vladimir Putin's unpopularity with the Russian people, and with a plot centered around the antics of an ultra-nationalist Russian general, Dead Hand positions itself as an up-to-the-minute thriller with significant political resonance—and even throws in a natural disaster for good measure. Ever wary of being caught off-guard by a nuclear strike, Russia has carefully cultivated a retaliatory system capable of launching its own missiles: mordantly dubbed Dead Hand, the system will activate without a central command. When an asteroid hits Siberia with enough force to trigger the system, Moscow finds itself faced with both unspeakable environmental chaos and General Likatchev's bid to subvert the disaster to his own anti-Western purposes.

Politics makes strange bedfellows, and Russia must ask the U.S., NATO, and the French Foreign Legion (to name but a few of the players) to invade its own borders and destroy the missiles before Likatchev can get to them. Confronted by mass destruction and a Russian squadron led by one of the general's former protégés, the motley group of Western soldiers races against the clock toward the bevy of silos—but at what cost?

Harold Coyle is anything but subtle: his characters can't cross a room without the author pausing to reflect on the glory of the soldier's calling. His pedantic asides often bring the plot to a screeching halt, and he has an unfortunate tendency to present his characters in the manner of an announcer at a beauty pageant: heavy on the platitudes and light on meaningful revelation. That said, Coyle has built up a loyal following, and these readers will no doubt be pleased with the obvious au courant sincerity of his latest offering. —Kelly Flynn

God's Children Harold Coyle  
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It is from the biblical saying that Harold Coyle has take the title of his new novel, God's Children. Yet peacekeeping is not child's play. a tale of high-tech warfare set in the near future, God's Childrenis the story of the 3rd Platoon, c. Company, 2nd Battalion of the 13th infantry, and two young officers who attempt to keep a peace that is falling apart before their eyes.

More Than Courage Harold Coyle  
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Courage is often enough to drive a soldier forward, to make him climb out of his foxhole and face enemy fire. But it takes something else, something more than courage to keep going when every instinct and every shred of reason tells him to stop. The men of Recon Team Kilo, a Special Forces unit operating deep in hostile territory, are overwhelmed by indigenous forces, stripped of their leadership, and hopelessly separated. Isolated from their brethren, each man is thrown back on his own strength and instinct to survive. Will they stay faithful to their code of conduct and their country-even in the face of brutal imprisonment and an uncertain future? Courage is not a factor for Lieutenant Colonel Harry Shaddock, the commander of the unit selected to execute the rescue. But in order to accomplish the mission and save the imprisoned soldiers he will have to make some very hard decisions-decisions that will risk the lives of the men under his command, men who would follow him anywhere. Meanwhile, the families of the hostages must endure a trial no less daunting. They must stand by and watch their loved ones executed one by one, by a ruthless foe thousands of miles away. In a contest that demands more than anyone had imagined, victory will require everyone to draw upon something within, something more than courage

Team Yankee Harold Coyle  
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A realistic depiction of World War III combat follows Captain Sean Bannion and the tank soldiers of Team Yankee as they battle the Russian invasion force, from Hill 214 in West Germany to the ultimate cease-fire. Reissue.

The Ten Thousand Harold Coyle  
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Trapped in Eastern Europe by a united Germany with atomic weapons, an American army—led by Lieutenant General ""Big Al"" Malin—must fight its way to the safety of the Baltic Sea. 150,000 first printing.

Trial by Fire Harold Coyle  
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A Mexican military coup draws the U.S. into a full-scale conflict across the Rio Grande, and commanding officer Scott Dixon, TV reporter Jan Fields, and Lieutenant Nancy Koczak find themselves caught in the middle. 100,000 first printing. $100,000 ad/promo.

The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane  
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Long considered the first great modern novel of war by an American author, this classic work is set in the time of the Civil War and tells a powerful, psychological story of a young soldier's struggle with the horrors—both within and without the war.

Copyright Law for Librarians And Educators: Creative Strategies And Practical Solutions Kenneth D. Crews, Dwayne K. Buttler  
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Copyright in the world of digital information is changing at a fevered pace, even as educators and librarians digitize, upload, download, draw on databases, and incorporate materials into web-based instruction. It's essential to stay abreast of copyright law and fair use without information overload. For fresh, timely insights and application of copyright law for librarians, educators, and academics, Professor Crews maps the territory in a dramatically revised edition of "Copyright Essentials". Readers will: Learn basic copyright definitions and key exceptions for education and library services; Find information quickly with key points sidebars, legislative citations and cross-references; Understand the four factors of fair use and related court interpretations; Get up to speed on current interpretations of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act from a librarian-educator viewpoint. Highly praised in its 2000 edition, the new "Copyright Essentials" draws on cutting edge case law in 18 discrete areas of copyright, including specialized and controversial music and sound recording issues. Information professionals will find the tools they need to take control of their rights and responsibilities as copyright owners and users in this succinct, easy-to-use guide.
