How to Climb Series: Climbing Anchors John Long  
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The most valuable skill you can acquire as a traditional climber is the ability to build sturdy, reliable anchors. Without that, no amount of natural talent or dumb luck will allow you to live a long, healthy life as a rock climber. Fortunately, John Long's guide to climbing anchors is a definitive source, with sections on natural, equalized, haul bag, and rappelling anchors. Whether you're using spring-loaded, camming devices or the old-school, passive tri-cams, Long presents a number of creative options for nearly every possible situation. Long is a patient teacher and his writing is clear and concise, but it's the hundreds of illustrations that really drive his lessons home. —Benjamin Tiffany

More Climbing Anchors John Long  
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Expert climber John Long analyzes more belay anchors and gives advice on their respective strengths and suitability.

How to Climb: Advanced Rock Climbing John Long, Craig Luebben  
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It's Not a Bug, It's a Feature!: Computer Wit and Wisdom David Lubar  
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This is a handy collection of pithy quotations about computers: advice, put-downs, off-the-mark predictions, and other snippets from experts such as Steve Jobs, Ted Nelson, Thomas J. Watson, George Bush, and Duckman. Anyone who writes, speaks, or thinks about computers is sure to find at least a few useful tidbits for their work in this book:

"The goal was that it had to be better than the back of an envelope. — Dan Bricklin, creator of VisiCalc, circa 1978

"Unlike print, electronic text defies proverbial wisdom. You can have your cake, give it away, then eat it, and still have it." — Richard A. Lanham, 1993

The Bourne Identity Robert Ludlum  
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Jason Bourne.

He has no past. And he may have no future. His memory is blank. He only knows that he was flushed out of the Mediterranean Sea, his body riddled with bullets.

There are a few clues. A frame of microfilm surgically implanted beneath the flesh of his hip. Evidence that plastic surgery has altered his face. Strange things that he says in his delirium — maybe code words. Initial: "J.B." And a number on the film negative that leads to a Swiss bank account, a fortune of four million dollars, and, at last, a name: Jason Bourne.

But now he is marked for death, caught in a maddening puzzle, racing for survival through the deep layers of his buried past into a bizarre world of murderous conspirators — led by Carlos, the world's most dangerous assassin. And no one can help Jason Bourne but the woman who once wanted to escape him.

"Mr. Ludlum stuffs more surprises into his novels than any other six-pack of thriller writers combines." — The New York Times

The Bourne Supremacy Robert Ludlum  
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In a Kowloon Cabaret, scrawled in a pool of blood, is a name the world wanted to forget: Jason Bourne.

The Chinese vice-premier has been brutally slain by a legendary assassin. World leaders ask the same fearful questions: Why has Jason Bourne come back? Who is paying him? Who is the next to die? But U.S. officials know the shocking truth: There is no Jason Bourne. The name was created as cover for David Webb on his search for the notorious killer Carlos. Someone else has taken the Bourne identity—and unless he is stopped, the world will pay a devastating price. So Jason Bourne must live again. Once again, Webb must utilize his lethal skills—because once again, like a nightmare relived, the woman he loves is suddenly torn from his life. To find her, trap his own impostor, and uncover an explosive secret plan, Webb must lauch a desperate oddyssey into the espionage killing fields. But this time, survival will not be enough. This time Bourne must reign supreme.

The Bourne Ultimatum Robert Ludlum  
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The world's two deadliest spies in the ultimate showdown. At a small-town carnival two men, each mysteriously summoned by telegram, witness a bizarre killing. The telegrams are signed Jason Bourne. Only they know Bourne's true identity and understand the telegram is really a message from Bourne's mortal enemy, Carlos, known also as the Jackal, the world's deadliest and most elusive terrorist. And furthermore, they know that the Jackal wants: a final confrontation with Bourne. Now David Webb, professor of Oriental studies, husband, and father, must do what he hoped he would never have to do again — assume the terrible identity of Jason Bourne. His plan is simple: to infiltrate the politically and economically Medusan group and use himself as bait to lure the cunning Jackal into a deadly trap — a trap from which only one of them will escape.

The Bourne Ultimatum Robert Ludlum  
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The world's two deadliest spies in the ultimate showdown. At a small-town carnival two men, each mysteriously summoned by telegram, witness a bizarre killing. The telegrams are signed Jason Bourne. Only they know Bourne's true identity and understand the telegram is really a message from Bourne's mortal enemy, Carlos, known also as the Jackal, the world's deadliest and most elusive terrorist. And furthermore, they know that the Jackal wants: a final confrontation with Bourne. Now David Webb, professor of Oriental studies, husband, and father, must do what he hoped he would never have to do again — assume the terrible identity of Jason Bourne. His plan is simple: to infiltrate the politically and economically Medusan group and use himself as bait to lure the cunning Jackal into a deadly trap — a trap from which only one of them will escape.

The Matarese Circle Robert Ludlum  
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Two mortal enemies are the only two people in the world cunning and knowledgeable enough to stop an evil plot that threatens the entire planet. 2 cassettes.