Hammerheads Dale Brown  
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Bestselling author Dale Brown tackles the controversial subject on America's drug war. The U.S. government has created an all-new drug-defense agency—Hammerheades—that will never make the war against drugs the same.

Plan of Attack: A Novel Dale Brown  
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The unthinkable is about to happen in this tour de force of high-flying adventure Dale Brown is the author of fourteen NEW YORK TIMES bestsellers, and now in PLAN OF ATTACK he provocatively turns our attention back to the threat of a nuclear attack that is beyond our imaginings.

U.S. Air Force aerial warfare expert Major General Patrick McLanahan has been demoted and moved back to a desk job. But while keeping a keen eye on what's going on with old enemies, he notices that Russia's heavy bomber and tactical bomber bases are busier than ever. McLanahan tries to get his superiors to pay attention and is ignored.

Russian president General Anatoliy Gryzlov is determined to punish McLanahan and his fleet of robotic warplanes for a previous bombing of a Russian air base. To make his point, Gryzlov launches an all-out sneak attack on America — unlike anything ever believed possible — that devastates U.S. strategic air forces.

McLanahan has collected information that not only foretold the Russians' daring plan, but also gives him the data he needs to plan a counterstrike that could stop the Russian war machine dead in its tracks. But McLanahan is no longer in charge of Air Battle Force, his combat unit of the future, and the Russian sneak attack has left the embattled U.S. president with few options: retaliate with every weapon in his arsenal, even if it triggers a global thermonuclear war, agree to a cease-fire on Russia's terms ... or listen to a disgraced and discredited young bomber commander's long-shot plan of attack. To prevent a destructive stalemate, McLanahan may have to take matters into his own hands.

Shadows of Steel Dale Brown  
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When a nuclear Iran begins stirring up trouble in the Persian Gulf, the newly elected president of the United States calls on a top-secret cell of the CIA's Intelligence Support Agency, codenamed Future Flight, to find Iran's key command centers and destroy them.

Silver Tower Dale Brown  
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America has developed the most devastating weapon ever created-a laser defense system that will change the balance of power forever. And now, it's about to be tested in battle.

Storming Heaven Dale Brown  
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Lieutenant General Robert Blocker races against time to stop a deadly gang of ruthless terrorists who are using large commercial aircraft to bomb unsuspecting targets, including Los Angeles International Airport. Large first printing. Major ad/promo.

The Tin Man Dale Brown  
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Patrick McLanahan, a sometime secret agent for the military and an associate of a high-tech company that manufactures weapons for the armed forces, is the hero of Dale Brown's fast-paced thriller The Tin Man. When McLanahan's kid brother, a rookie cop in Sacramento, is severely injured by a gang of international terrorists, McLanahan decides to take justice into his own hands and shut down their operation. In order to do so, McLanahan must figure out who these heavily-armed thugs are and track them down. He and the owner of the high-tech company develop a powerful weapon to help him accomplish that task—a bulletproof suit equipped with rocket thrusters that makes McLanahan a formidable fighting machine. McLanahan soon comes to be known as the tin man.

Meanwhile, the criminal mastermind Gregory Townsend and his cohorts in the Aryan Brigade wreak havoc in California. They stage a violent armed robbery and try to wrest control of the booming trade in illegal drugs from neo-Nazi biker gangs. Townsend tells a new recruit that he and his men plan to become "the Microsoft of the methamphetamine trade"—but it seems likely that his goal is even larger and more sinister than that. This book should appeal to fans of Ian Fleming's James Bond thrillers. Like Bond, McLanahan gets to use a lot of cleverly-designed high-tech gadgets to extract himself from sticky situations. The Tin Man is packed with skillfully crafted action scenes. It's a pretty good yarn. —Jill Marquis

Warrior Class Dale Brown  
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The master of the aerial technothriller tackles a story as cutting-edge as tomorrow's headlines.

The world is falling apart, and there are plenty of people willing to take advantage. One of them is Pavel Kazakov, a Russian oilman with close ties to organized crime, and an audacious idea: build a huge pipeline through the Balkans, get the Russian army to back him, and everybody gets rich. Sure, NATO will object, but the new American President's emphatic policy of isolationism guarantees no effective opposition. Russia will dominate Europe. Kazakov will dominate the oil supply.

But he hasn't reckoned with Patrick McLanahan. The young Air Force general leads a combat mission deep into Russia to rescue a spy on the ground, but when things start to spin out of control, McLanahan's intuition is to push the envelope even farther, to create whatever havoc he can. That puts him directly in opposition to the President himself, and pretty soon, McLanahan and his team find themselves faced with a dire choice. Which is the greater threat: the empire in front of them-or the President behind? Whichever way they choose, life as they know it will never be the same again.

Filled with all the explosive adventure and technology that his fans have come to expect, this is Dale Brown's most exciting novel yet.

Wings of Fire Dale Brown  
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Former Air Force General Patrick McClanahan and his Night Stalkers are a freelance commando team that operates outside the American government—way outside—for reasons that author Dale Brown never makes entirely clear. Hired by a petroleum cartel to protect its interests in the Middle East, the team is testing new weapons developed by Sky Masters, McClanahan's private company, in the skies over Libya. Defending themselves against Libyan missiles, they get involved in a conflagration sparked by the new Libyan leader, who's convinced a radical Muslim faction to assassinate the pro-Western president of Egypt and help him take over the country's oil fields in return for his promise to unite all of Arab North Africa under theocratic fundamentalist rule. But his plans are foiled by the American-born widow of the slain president, with the timely assistance of McClanahan, the Night Stalkers, and their laser ray guns, plasma bombs, exoskeleton battle armor, and other weapons that Brown, an acknowledged master of the techno-thriller, describes in painstaking detail. The cumbersome plot and convoluted relationships among the central characters don't make much sense, and the action is so far over the top that it's barely believable, but that won't matter to Brown's enthusiastic readers, who've made his previous 13 books best sellers. —Jane Adams

Armageddon Dale Brown, Jim Defelice  
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One of the Air Force's top guns, Captain Breanna Stockard is training Brunei pilots to fly the EB-52 Megafortress. But when a violent attempted kidnapping threatens a major arms deal about to take place, Breanna and her husband Major Jeff "Zen" Stockard must uncover a plot that—in this volatile region of the world—could mean Armageddon.

Dale Brown's Dreamland Dale Brown, Jim Defelice  
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Dale Brown launches a brand-new series that takes readers deep inside America's most advanced aerospace weapons testing facility. At Dreamland, the nation's top minds and the Air Force's top guns come together - to develop new artillery, fly new aircraft...and usher in a new era in warfare.

End Game Dale Brown, Jim Defelice  
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A volatile U.S. ally has fallen prey to the terrorist beast. India is the target of radical Islamic jihadists, and the world watches breathlessly as tensions escalate between the uneasy giant and its longtime nemesis Pakistan with China waiting in the wings, eager to flex its military might. A nuclear showdown seems inevitable, unless the masterminds at Dreamland can get to the mysterious source of the terror and end it, swiftly and permanently. Every technological wonder the military possesses must be employed to avert an all-out Apocalypse from an awesome new hybrid Navy destroyer to robot Flighthawks. But the fate of the region and the world will depend on the newest brainchild of the Dreamland team: an unproven instrument of ultimate power code-named End Game.

End Game Dale Brown, Jim Defelice  
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A volatile U.S. ally has fallen prey to the terrorist beast. India is the target of radical Islamic jihadists, and the world watches breathlessly as tensions escalate between the uneasy giant and its longtime nemesis Pakistan with China waiting in the wings, eager to flex its military might. A nuclear showdown seems inevitable, unless the masterminds at Dreamland can get to the mysterious source of the terror and end it, swiftly and permanently. Every technological wonder the military possesses must be employed to avert an all-out Apocalypse from an awesome new hybrid Navy destroyer to robot Flighthawks. But the fate of the region and the world will depend on the newest brainchild of the Dreamland team: an unproven instrument of ultimate power code-named End Game.