2006 Movie Guide  
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Wondering what to rent at your video store? Covering 1,250 of the all-time best films, the Movie Guide is based on the candid appraisals of avid moviegoers like you. This guide contains 50+ handy indexes to help you find the perfect picture. Indexes include genre, decade, and special feature (e.g. Chick Flick, Oscar Winner, Remake, Soundtrack, and more!).

The CareWise Guide : Self-Care From Head to Toe  
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Whether your baby spikes a fever at 2 am or your back shoots with pain after shooting hoops all day, sometimes you need quick, convenient access to reliable medical information. The CareWise Guide: Self-Care For Lifelong Health has helped more than a million health-care consumers find the answers they need, fast. Credentialed by one of the nation's leading medical schools, The CareWise Guide provides easy-to-understand information on literally hundreds of health concerns, from head to toe.

A National Health Information Awards winner, The CareWise Guide can help you and your family decide when to apply self-care, when to seek medical care, and how to work effectively with your doctor to get the most appropriate, cost-effective and highest quality care. Easy-to-read, yes/no flowcharts get you to the appropriate level of care based on your symptoms, and the accompanying text and graphics give you the basic background you need to better understand your health concern.

Dogbert's Top Secret Management Handbook  
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Cartoonist Scott Adams gives us still more corporate belly laughs with a point in Dogbert's Management Secrets Revealed, the 10th book based on his wildly popular Dilbert comic strip. Taken this time directly from the word processor of world-class consultant Dogbert, it focuses on critical management responsibilities like keeping up with fads, implementing pointless reorganizations and demanding status reports. "Leadership isn't something you're born with," it declares. "It's something you learn by reading Dogbert books."

An Exploration of the Tetons  
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The moody landscape images of David William Peterson join the dramatic derring-do of Nathaniel Langford’s 1873 "Ascent of Mount Hayden" in this combination photographic portfolio/adventure story set in the Grand Tetons.

Finsterhall of San Pasqual  
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A fictional story of San Diego's own Wild Animal Park. From the back cover: "Finsterhall and his friends—and some enemies—lived in the peaceful little San Pasqual Valley where the order of things had been established as far back as perhaps ten thousand grandfathers ago. But these little Southern California creatures had no built-in instincts to tell them how to live with the strangers who had come to the valley. The BIG strangers."