
Lab Room | Theory Map | Modelling the System | Governing Equations

Governing Equations

By examining the forces acting upon the mass, it can be shown that the standard form of the equations governing our model is given by:

M is the effective mass,
C is the damping constant, and
k is the spring constant.

By introducing the natural frequency and the damping ratio, it can also be shown that Equation 1 can be written as:

is the natural frequency,
is the damping ratio,
K is the compliance (=1/k), and
F(t) is the forcing function.

The natural frequency can be written as:


And, the damping ratio is given by:


It is reasonable to estimate k and M for our system. But because the damping constant, C, is less well understood, the damping ratio, z, cannot be estimated directly.

If there is no forcing function [F(t) = 0] and the beam is displaced and then released, it experiences a free vibration response. The free response naturally gives rise to an additional parameter, damped natural frequency (ringing frequency).

If there is a periodic forcing function [F(t) = A sin t], the beam will experience a forced vibration response, or periodic response. The forced response gives the following parameters: resonant frequency, natural frequency, and damping ratio.

Last Updated: January 16, 2000,
Copyright © 1993-1995, 2000, Pamela A. Eibeck and Brandon Muramatsu
Original WWW Conversion by Winston Wang, 1994
WWW ReConversion by Brandon Muramtasu, 2000